The number of patients with psychiatric disorders in Japan has increased to more than six million. Managing and improving mental health, as well as supporting community life for people with mental illnesses are significant social issues. Psychiatric nursing is a field of nursing science which focuses on human mind and behavior to develop care for better mental health for people.

Laboratory of Psychiatric Nursing at Kyoto University was renewed with the arrival of Rie Chiba in April 2023, though it has been without professor. The missions of our laboratory are to academically explore nursing support for people with mental illness, their families, and a wide range of other people for better mental health, and to publicize findings and give them back to society.

In recent years, the fields of nursing and psychology focus not only on the perspective of alleviating symptoms and difficulties but also on the transformation that occurs through facing adversity and the growth process of individuals living with illness. Our laboratory is engaged in research to generate high-quality evidence to support individuals with mental illnesses and their families as they undergo these processes. Through these research activities, we contribute to an academic foundation for psychiatric nursing and care based on scientific evidence.

We welcome new members interested in generating new evidence in psychiatric nursing field, from Japan and overseas. We hope that many students join our laboratory.